Amazed - Chapter 8

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Monday December 16th 2002

May enters the JAG bullpen a little less intimidated than last time. She passes by Sturgis.

Sturgis - Hey, good morning, Cadet !

May - Commander! Good morning!

Sturgis - On leave again?

May - Yeah, but this time, it's official!

Sturgis - Harm told me about your mother's death. I talked to my father, who is a chaplain in the Navy. He will pray for you.

May is very touched.

May - Thanks a lot, Commander. Will you thank him for me?

Sturgis - If you come to the Christmas service, you will be able to thank him yourself.

May - Well, it depends at what time is the service. I'm going to the Wall with dad around midnight.

Sturgis - The service starts at 1030.

May - So I think we will come.

Sturgis - It's at the chapel of Andrews. Come early if you want some seats!

May - I'll tell dad. Thanks Commander.

Sturgis - No problem. It's only natural.

May - Could you tell me something?

They are pushed by a sailor passing by.

Sturgis - Come in my office, we'll be better to talk.

Sturgis closes the door after them. They sit down.

Sturgis - So, what can I tell you?

May - What's happening between Mac, I mean Colonel McKenzie and dad?

Sturgis - That's the million dollar question!

Sturgis looks at May one moment then decides to talk.

Sturgis - The only thing I'm sure of is Mac is in love with your father. The rest is only suppositions and observations. Okay?

May - I'm listening

Sturgis - I feel like I'm in High School again! Mac and Harm like each other, for sure. But they spend their time hurting each other and doing stupid things to have the other's attention.

May - I know that... No offense intended, but I have the impression men never grow up!

Sturgis - None taken. Well, I was not here when they met. When I arrived at JAG, Harm was with a TV blonde and Mac had just broken her engagement with a guy named Brumby, from RAN, because Harm had crashed in the ocean trying to get to the wedding on time.

May - Dad has told me about a crash, but it seemed to be very old.

Sturgis - He crashed a first time in the beginning of the 90's, 91or 92, I don't remember. That's when he had to give up his pilot career. And he crashed a second time last may and that's when he overturn Mac's wedding.

May - Two crashes? That's a lot!

Sturgis - According to what I heard, he was responsible for none. I came here the following September. And the first thing I saw about Mac was she was looking alike a girl who was in Annapolis with us, Diane Shonk. She was in love with Harm but he considered her like his sister.

May - And maybe dad tries to see Mac as his sister not to betray Diane.

Sturgis - Possible. And Mac's past is not making things any easier.

May - What do you mean?

Sturgis - It stays between us?

May - Of course!

Sturgis - She's an alcoholic.

May – Oh!

Sturgis - If I got it right, it's since her teenage years. Then her uncle got her out of that. He was a former Marine Colonel, now in Leavenworth. She also has been married a first time, and it looks like it was not a good one.

May - It's a lot, even for a Marine!

Sturgis - And your father is not very good at showing his feelings.

May - It doesn't seems to be a problem with me.

Sturgis - You're his daughter. And for him, you're family, so it's normal to love you, and showing it to you.

May - And it's more difficult with her because she's a friend and not family.

Sturgis - That may be a reason.

They stay a moment without speaking.

May - It opens new prospect. The first time I saw Mac and Dad together, I also saw sparkles!

Sturgis - Happens all the time! But none of them want to admit it.

May - It's a shame they waste their time that way.

Sturgis - And I think the atmosphere at JAG would be more quiet if they were stopping that game and finally admitting their feelings. And also if they weren't jumping at each other's throat for nothing.

May - And what became of the blonde?

Sturgis - She went back home and married a mortician.

May - Really? And dad said nothing?

Sturgis - In my opinion, she was here only for the time Mac was with the Aussie.

May - And they say the love life of the people over thirty is simpler than the one of the under thirty.

Sturgis - They are the exception to the rule!

May looks at Sturgis with a mischievous grin.

May - Would you like to help me putting them together?

Sturgis - Why not?

May - I really would like to have brothers and sisters before having kids of my own.

Sturgis - I'll see what I can do.

May - I'll keep you aware of my plans.

Sturgis - How long do we have?

May - Let's say... a year? I won't be here often, and this kind of things takes time.

Sturgis - A year, okay. And do we tell someone else?

May - Better not. There could be some rumors and everything would be over. We can think again in about six months, what do you think?

Sturgis - Suits me.

They shake hands. May looks at her watch.

May - Already noon! I'm glad I didn't gave dad a precise time, or he would be worried to death!

Sturgis - He didn't told you? He's spending the day in Norfolk, some research to make for a case.

May - No, he didn't. I thought I would have lunch with him. He must have tried to call me, but as I didn't turn my mobile phone on...

Sturgis - He will be back in the afternoon.

May - Doesn't matter, I'll have lunch with him tomorrow.

Sturgis - I'll walk you back to the elevator.

May - Don't bother, I think I know the way.

Sturgis - It doesn't bother me at all, I have to give a file to Lieutenant Simms.

May - Seems to me we're gonna have fun!

Sturgis - I count on it!

They step in the bullpen. May laughs at something Sturgis says and the admiral sees them at that moment.

AJ - Commander Turner, where are you with your case?

Sturgis - It's going on, Sir.

AJ - Cadet McCall, I guess you've come to see your father. Well, he's not here.

May - Commander Turner just informed me, Sir.

AJ - He's busy, don't bother him.

May – Yes Sir.

The admiral goes away from them. Sturgis turns to May.

Sturgis - Looks like he's in a bad mood, today. He's not like this usually.

May - I believe I know why.

Sturgis - And that would be...?

May's eyes follow AJ without answering. Then she turns to Sturgis.

May - We do as we said?

Sturgis looks at her with a curious look.

Sturgis – Sure!

May - Goodbye, then.

And she steps into the elevator.

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