Gold Wings and Sparrowhawk - Chapter 4
Harm got up to open the window. The night was warm enough and they were facing the sea. He turned on the light on the nightstand and stretched out near Nell who was lying on her stomach with her eyes closed. He pulled down the sheet that was covering her back until he saw the dragon. It was sprawled against her pale skin, blue and red and gold, looking fierce. Harm brushed his fingers on the tattoo, tracing the coils. He'd never seen such a beautiful work of art. Nell sighed.
« Did the callsign bring the dragon, or was it the other way around ? »
Nell turned her head to face Harm and rested her cheek on her hand.
« I told you I was in a military high school ? »
« Yeah. »
« It was the hardest time of my life. There are very few women there, and the guys try to weed us out. Either they harass us, treat us like dirt, make us do all the chores, or they just ignore us, pretend not to see us. I was a bit apart because my dad's a Colonel in the Army, but it was so hard. »
« He is ? »
« Yeah, he's CO of the Train and Logistics School. »
« Cool. He must be proud of you. My father and my grandfather were aviators too. »
« I'm fourth generation. My great grandfather was a military vet and my grandfather was also in the Train and Logistics. Anyway. I turned eighteen in April, and the day I graduated I went to the tattoo parlor. I wanted something to remember I'm stronger than anything anyone can throw at me. »
« It's beautiful. And how did you get the callsign ? Someone saw you in a bathing suit ? »
« I wish ! » Nell paused, lost in her memories. « Different school, same treatment. When I entered flight school, I was one of the very first females to attend. I got all kind of hazing, practical jokes, you name it. Since it was common occurrence since I was fifteen, I played duck. You know, water on my feathers. One day, we were coming back from a training session that had been particularly hard. I was exhausted, sweaty and cold, I just wanted a hot shower and a meal. »
« Yeah, I know the feeling. » They looked knowingly at each other.
« At the time, there was only one locker room for everyone. So I usually took my clothes with me in the shower, put everything on a chair, and I was alone enough. Six years of coed dorms, I was used to the lack of privacy. But this time, I turned to get in the shower and there was no more curtains, on any of the stalls. »
Harm looked appalled. « They didn't ! »
« Oh, they did. I was so tired I just walked in, put my clothes on the chair and undressed. I just made sure to keep my back to them, so they wouldn't get a full frontal. And I walked under the spray. After a minute, I felt a presence behind me, the guys had gathered to watch me take my shower. So I told them I had nothing they hadn't already seen, and asked them not to bother me anymore. There was movement again, and the light changed. I turned my head a little, and I saw the curtain was back in place. » Nell falls silent again.
« I'm sorry you had to live through all this. »
« It made me stronger. When I got out of the shower, I was alone. I got back to my room and headed to the mess hall. Business as usual. I got my tray, sat down alone at a table. »
Nell turned in the bed, looked at the ceiling and smiled.
« The guys came up to me, snapped to. I got up, a bit uncertain about what was happening. And they presented me with my newly painted helmet. They never called me Nell again, I was always Dragon from that moment on. »
« Nice ! »
Nell snickered. « The only nice thing about it is they never played any pranks on a female aviator ever again. »
Harm traced the little tattoo she had on her breast. « And that one ? »
« It's the shadow of sparrowhawk. The emblem for aviators in France. We all got one when we graduated. »
« And why did you get it on your...chest ? »
Nell has a small laugh. « It's not on my chest, it's on my heart. »
With a smile, Harm bent over and kissed the tattoo. « I like it. »
« You like where it is. »
He smiled against her skin, and heard her yawn. He settled beside her, put his hand on her belly and closed his eyes. They both fell asleep with a smile on their faces.
When he entered the bathroom later that morning, Harm shook his head with a smile. He didn't know how they could have showered together in the small tub, much less have a bit of a snuggle. But the spray was still hot and plentiful.
In the bedroom, Nell was examining her dress. It was stained, crumpled, no way she could wear it to go back to her hotel. She took a look at Harm's uniform and sighed at the sight. She put on his t-shirt and wondered how to get some clean clothes. She unhooked the telephone.
« Ricezione ! »
« Hello, this is room thirty-one. »
« Si, the Americans. What can I do for you ? »
« I have two questions. First, how can I make a call outside the hotel ? »
« You dial zero, and then the number that you want to call. »
« All right. Do you have a phone book I could look into ? »
« What number do you need ? »
« The Hotel Joyfull, in Poggioreale. »
« You stay on the line, I will call them and connect you. Do you want to call the reception desk or a room ? »
« I need to call room fourteen. »
« Perfetto. And what is your second question ? »
« Do you do room service ? We'd like to have two breakfasts delivered, if it's possible. »
« Si, I can arrange that, but there is a... supplemento. »
« All right. »
« What do you want for breakfast ? »
« Whatever you have, with a big pot of black coffee and extra cups, please. »
« No problem. Is that all ? »
« Yes, thank you. »
« I'll make the call now, please hold. »
After a minute or so, a sleepy voice answered.
« What ? »
« Virginie ? It's Nell, sorry to wake you up. »
« Nell ? Where are you ? I saw you get in the garden with the American, and then I lost you ! Everything's all right ? »
« I hope you didn't look for me too long. »
« No. You know Ben is in the hospital ? »
Nell's tone froze. « Yes, I know. He fell down the stairs and broke his nose. »
Virginie stayed silent.
« Tell me, did you have plans for today ? »
« I wasn't planning to be awoken at nine freaking thirty. Seriously, Nell ! »
« I'm sorry, I didn't look at the time. How about spending the day at the beach ? I'll pay for the taxi and I'll invite you for lunch, what do you say ? »
« Yeah. What's the catch ? »
« Ah... »
« And where the hell are you ? »
« I found a little hotel to spend the night. Long story... anyway, I need my pack. »
« What do you mean, you need your pack ? »
« Well... I don't have anything to wear beside my party dress which is in no condition to be worn. »
Virginie sneered. « You had a crazy night, didn't you ? »
« I had an... opportunity, and I seized it. »
« I see... six three, brown hair and a thousand watts smile. »
Nell had a wide grin. « And Dress Whites and Gold wings. »
« Do I bring you just a change of clothes, or your whole pack ? »
« The whole pack, you're gonna be alone tonight as well. »
« No kidding... give me the address. »
« Hotel Mare Blu, in Bagnoli. It's on the waterfront. Take your bathing suit. »
« Your hotel has a private beach ? »
« No, but there's a strip of sand a few hundred meters from there. And the water is delicious ! »
« All right. Give me time to get up and come. You better have some fresh coffee when I arrive ! »
« I will. And it's good coffee. »
« How do you know ? You don't drink coffee. »
« My six three brown hair opportunity seems to like it fine. »
Virginie hung up with a shake of her head. During their conversation, Harm had finished showering and opened the door for the waiter carrying the breakfast tray. Nell sat down and helped herself with some tea.
« I got in touch with my roommate, and she's bringing my pack over. I'll be able to give you back your shirt. »
« I like the way you wear it. »
Nell has a flirtatious smile. And told him how the desk manager had helped her. She tasted the tea, jerked when she burnt her tongue and started on her cornetto. Harm took the receiver and called the clerk.
Once they had finished their meal, Harm and Nell sprawled on the bed and spent a quiet time talking, cuddling, and just enjoying the moment.
Nell jumped at the knock on the door and let Virginie in.
« Thank you so much for coming ! »
Virginie dropped Nell's bag on the floor. « You owe me one hundred and twenty seven francs. Is that coffee I smell ? »
Harm was wearing only a towel around his hips, and he made sure it was secure before getting out of the bed.
« Virginie, this is Harm, Harm, this is Virginie. »
Harm handed her a freshly poured cup of coffee.
« Hi ! »
« No talking before coffee. » Virginie sat down and sipped her brown dose of revival with her eyes closed.
Nell grabbed some clothes from her bag and left for the bathroom. « Be right back ! »
Harm didn't move, or talk. He thought he was stuck with the brunette who looked like she was having a coffee-induced orgasm. She opened her eyes and looked at him.
« So, you're Harm. You don't hold a grudge, do you ? »
« Why should I ? »
« Because she shot you down. »
Harm had a smile. « It was a game. »
Virginie's smile was even wider. « Still. »
« I don't see the point in holding grudges. It holds you back. »
« I suppose you're right. » She took another sip of coffee, watching Harm suspiciously.
Nell stepped out of the bathroom, wearing a sundress over a bathing suit. « You're alive again ? »
« Barely. »
« Let's go for a swim. Harm, you'll join us a the beach when your pack arrives ? »
« Sure ! »
Nell pecked Harm on the lips, took a towel and left with Virginie.
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