Undercover - Chapter 11
1015 local
JAG HQ – Jamie's office
Jamie is working at her desk. Her cellphone rings. She answer without looking at it.
Jamie – Commander Bond.
A voice – It's me.
Jamie, distraught – Wait !
He exits her office at a run, down the stairs and into the yard.
Jamie – You're crazy, calling at the office ! You know there are bugs everywhere !
The voice – It couldn't be helped. How far along are you ?
Jamie – It takes time ! And I don't want to raise suspicions.
The voice – Your partner is asking too many questions. Something will have to be done.
Jamie – No way something is happening to him. You hear me ? If he has an « accident » you'll answer me.
The voice – So prevent him from causing harm.
Jamie – He's doing his job. But don't worry, I know what I have to do.
The voice – So do it.
Jamie – Trust me. And don't call me anymore, it's too dangerous. For both of us.
She closes her phone and goes back into the building. In the corridor, she passes by Bud.
Bud – Everything is all right, Ma'am ?
Jamie – Yes Lieutenant, thank you.
She goes back to her office. Bud 's gaze follows her, thinking she didn't tell him everything.
1420 local
Indian Head NSWC
Harm opens the office door and Master Chief Petty Officer Mattews enters. Harms sits back at the desk.
Harm – Please give me your name and rank.
CPO Mattews – Mattews, Henry Jr. Master Chief Petty Officer.
Harm – Please have a seat.
CPO Mattews – Thank you Sir.
Harm – Tell me how you found out ammunitions were missing.
CPO Mattews – Well, I was in charge of distributing the guns and ammo for the exercises. Monday we had target practice for section 12, so I went in the armory. We got everyting on computer last year, so you find everything quick and easy. I go for the ammo, and five were missing. It's not much, it could have been inventory error, but it's not the first time it happens.
Harm – Really ? And there's been no report filed ? Why ?
CPO Mattews – Well, it happened to several of us, noticing that items were missing. But Lieutenant Patterson said he would take care of everything. So we followed orders and let him handle things.
Harm keeps taking notes.
Harm – Thank you Chief Petty Officer Mattews. You may go.
CPO Mattews – Aye Aye Sir.
He stands up at attention and leaves the room. Harm finishes writing on his pad, looking worried.
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